My Hair Journey : Why I Cut My Again

Monday, January 21, 2019

In my previous 'Hair Journey' post I shared my experience and reason for texturizing my natural hair early last year. (To read the post click here.) In the post I did mention that my ends did feel a bit drier after the texturizing process and this ended up having a bad effect on my hair at a later stage. 

In November 2018, after taking out the braids that I had installed, my hair just would not stop shedding. This happened a lot after washing my hair, combing it out or even when touching it. My hair also looked flat and uneven. It was not as full and voluptuous as it looked in my previous post. So this caused me to cut my hair, AGAIN! 

What I have learnt from this is that growing an afro requires a whole lot of patience and care. When I texturized my hair I was ecstatic about my length not realizing that I had compromised the health of my hair. I also think the type of texturizer or relaxer I used (Easy Waves Creme Relaxer) may have been the reason for this downfall. It was great while it lasted but it ended up not being a good choice, for me. 

I found it appropriate to share this with you and to let you know where I am currently with my hair journey. So I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions or hair journey stories that you would love to share please do not hesitate to comment down below. 

Also how amazing are these pictures taken by the talented Mnqobi Shezi, also known as @director_q_black on Instagram. 

Remember God loves you and so do I.

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