Stay In Your Own Lane.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

One thing I realised about myself and other young girls and ladies is that we are prone to comparing ourselves to other people. Honestly I am not a total fan of this as it can bring one's self-confidence down and make you be unhappy with your self image. 

Social networks like Instagram, (oh by the way follow me @tlegoo ) are one of the main causes of this situation. I realised that it's not healthy for me to be viewing someone's profile for ages, pin pointing everything of theirs and comparing it to mine.

One day I was looking through a girl's profile who is about my age and has similar interests to mine. I got up to it again, looking through her pictures and her videos, comparing myself to her saying, "why don't I have this" or "why don't I look like that", but then something caused me to stop and I know it was the Holy Spirit. He convicted me from carrying on and made me realise that what I was doing was a complete waste of time. I then dropped my phone and started thinking to myself that I could and will never be like this girl because I am not meant to be like her, I am who I am, God's unique workmanship.

Many of us ladies love taking concern into each other, whether it being others achievements, beauty, hairstyle, clothing, almost everything. We all know the saying, "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all". It means that if your friend did something nice to her hair or bought something pretty don't notice it and not compliment her on it, rather keep quiet because noticing without complimenting is just as worse as not complimenting at all.

Now instead of staying on some strangers profile I just linger and admire mine until I am fully satisfied with joy in my heart and confidence in myself because that is something no one could ever take away from me. So I decide to stay in my own lane when it comes to everything and anything.  Comparing yourself to somebody else does cause an unnecessary headache.

Remember God loves you and so do I.


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