
Thank You 2016

This year was one of the busiest and most important years of my life. I finally turned 18 and joined the legal eagle club, i also finished my high school career and matriculated. In between all of that many exciting things have happened. I had the experience of dressing up and feeling like a princess at my matric dance which I thoroughly enjoyed. ...

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'Tis the Season

It is now that time of the year when we celebrate the greatest event to ever happen in history and that is the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Everyone is caught up in the holiday mood with the crazy (last minute) shopping and Christmas lights brightening up our neighborhoods.  As exciting as it may be let us not forget the reason for...

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Modern Vintage

It is that time of the year again where things get heated up, it's SUMMER! And it seems like it is getting hotter by the day but thank God for the rain that we have been receiving in Durban lately. Summer is my favourite season of them all as you get to let lose and be cool when it comes to dressing up....

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How to Accesorize

Accessories play a vital role when it comes to putting an outfit together. From shoes, earring, necklaces, handbags, etc, they have the ability of making an outfit less drab and more fab. With different accessories a simple dress like the one I am wearing can be changed into different outfits for different occasions.  I chose to pair this mustard dress with a blue...

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