
My 2015

So 2015 is coming to an end and I have been reflecting on the type of year I had.  This year was similar to being on a roller coaster ride for the first time. I went through this year without resolutions or goals (as I prefer to say), which explains why it was quite a bumpy ride. I didn't know what to expect....

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Throne x Godly Touch

Christ, family, church, school, grade 11, exams, food, studying, notes, Oreos, formulas, future choices, love, coffee, decisions, desires, dreams. ''Aich, too much to deal with.'' Don't we all feel overworked and overwhelmed by life at some point? Well I guess I'm just growing up. John 15 verses 4 and 5 say that we cannot be fruitful and progressive unless we remain in Christ...

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One For The Gents

Hey there, it has been a while since I have posted (almost three months, but hey who's been counting.) Lately I have been preoccupied with school stuff, being work and sports (that's grade 11 for you) and I never had the chance to make time to update you all. But aren't you glad to know I'm still alive and better as ever? Earlier...

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2015, A Better Me

It's 2015 !!! Many of us have this whole "new year, new me" thing instilled Iin our minds.  I kind of disagree with that concept because if I really wanted to change some things about my life I would have done it in September '14 and not only wait for 2015. I guess this year I'm just going to better myself not change...

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