Shirt- Edgars / Vest and Bag- Mr Price / Jeans- Legit / Shoes- Gifted One of my favorite pair of wedges. Peace out, A-Town! Remember God loves you and so do I. TLegO... ...
SOLANGE KNOWLES. On of my greatest fashion icons! I really love this young lady and the way she brings out her personality in what she wears. She isn't afraid of anything and she definitely doesn't follow the fashion rule book. Remember I once did a feature on Katrina Chunga, well her style is quite similar to Solange's. It's authentic, genuine, quircky, different and out...
As the classic Coco Chanel said, "Girls have to be two things, classy and FABULOUS". I would like to say I live up to that statement because girls should have class and be confident while rocking it. So don't mind about what people or society may be saying about you, just look back and say "I am classy and FABULOUS!" Shirt-Wing Girl /...
A nice day in the sun. Excuse me for saying that bright neon isn't one of my favourite trends but this dress has got to be the one and only neon thing I like. It just looks like a piece of amazing artwork and I just had to get it. Dress-Mr Price / Wedges and Bracelet-Gifted / Headband and Earrings-Mr Price / Sunnies-Bondiblu...